Sunday, December 14, 2008

Albuquerque Public Schools and school lunch

This week I attended a couple of meetings about a decision that will take effect on January 5, 2009 in all Albuquerque Public Schools. If a family has an account past due for school lunches for their child, the child will be pulled out of the lunch line and given a cold cheese sandwich in a bag. This effects families even owing as little as a $1.00 to APS. Teachers, Principals, food service personnel, families and especially children, are all very opposed to this decision. Can you imagine what it would feel like to be a middle school 6th grader pulled out of line and humiliated in this way? Wilson Middle School has come together to sign a petition to the Superintendent of APS. Over 600 parents and 400 children have signed the petition. They are asking for a "stay" in the decision of January 5 until families and members of this Collaboration have an opportunity to give the facts to school board members.
If you have ideas on how to best advocate for the children in Albuquerque Public Schools, please add your comments to this Blog.
I hope you have a good week!

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